Motivation and Design Goals

Before diving into the features of this package let me take up a few bytes of text to explain the use cases that drove us to develop this package (also others) and how the API documented below fulfills/solves those use cases. When we started developing Zope 3, it was from a desire to decentralize functionality and thus the complexity of the Python code. And we were successful! The component architecture is a marvelous piece of software that hopefully will allow us to build scalable solutions for a very long time. However, when it comes to user interface design, in this case specifically HTML pages, we have failed to provide the features and patterns of assembling a page from configured components.

Looking up views for a particular content component and a request just simply does not work by itself. The content inside the page is still monolithic. One attempt to solve this problem are METAL macros, which allow you to insert other TAL snippets into your main template. But macros have two shortcomings. For one there is a “hard-coded” one-to-one mapping between a slot and the macro that fills that slot, which makes it impossible to register several macros for a given location. The second problem is that macros are not views in their own right; thus they cannot provide functionality that is independent of the main template’s view.

A second approach to modular UI design are rendering pipes. Rendering pipes have the great advantage that they can reach all regions of the page during every step of the rendering process. For example, if we have a widget in the middle of the page that requires some additional Javascript, then it is easy for a rendering unit to insert the Javascript file link in the HTML header of the page. This type of use case is very hard to solve using page templates. However, pipes are not the answer to componentized user interface, since they cannot simply deal with registering random content for a given page region. In fact, I propose that pipelines are orthogonal to content providers, the concept introduced below. A pipeline framework could easily use functionality provided by this and other packages to provide component-driven UI design.

So our goal is clear: Bring the pluggability of the component architecture into page templates and user interface design. Zope is commonly known to reinvent the wheel, develop its own terminology and misuse other’s terms. For example, the Plone community has a very different understanding of what a “portlet” is compared to the commonly accepted meaning in the corporate world, which derives its definition from JSR 168. Therefore an additional use case of the design of this package was to stick with common terms and use them in their original meaning – well, given a little extra twist.

The most basic user interface component in the Web application Java world is the “content provider” [1]. A content provider is simply responsible for providing HTML content for a page. This is equivalent to a view that does not provide a full page, but just a snippet, much like widgets or macros. Once there is a way to configure those content providers, we need a way to insert them into our page templates. In our implementation this is accomplished using a new TALES namespace that allows to insert content providers by name. But how, you might wonder, does this provide a componentized user interface? On the Zope 3 level, each content provider is registered as a presentation component discriminated by the context, request and view it will appear in. Thus different content providers will be picked for different configurations.

Okay, that’s pretty much everything there is to say about content providers. What, we are done? Hold on, what about defining regions of pages and filling them configured UI snippets. The short answer is: See the zope.viewlet package. But let me also give you the long answer. This and the other packages were developed using real world use cases. While doing this, we noticed that not every project would need, for example, all the features of a portlet, but would still profit from lower-level features. Thus we decided to declare clear boundaries of functionality and providing each level in a different package. This particular package is only meant to provide the interface between the content provider world and page templates.